Hangout Links

A quick and straightforward of starting hangouts.

Why would you want to start hangouts this way?

The hangouts app doesn't work reliably for me. This is a quick and easy way of starting a hangout (and also pinging the people you want to join).

This is a feature we have on Bonfire (our internal chat system) that I missed a lot on Slack.

Starting a hangout

You can decide to either ping somebody or to generate a link that people can join. There's no real difference between these, except that the first one is going to ping people.

In order to use this feature, you need to configure the hangout url format. You could do something like$name$

User-based hangout

  • Send a message with this content: hangout @somebody (where @somebody is who you want to hang with).
  • Your message will be sent as hangout @somebody:

Generic hangout

  • Send a message with this content: hangout hang name.
  • Your message will be sent as hangout hang name: